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Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Bab 14 Menampilkan Level dan Pola Lantai pada Gerak Tari - Seni Budaya Kelas 7 SMP/MTS

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Bab 14 Menampilkan Level dan Pola Lantai pada Gerak Tari - Seni Budaya Kelas 7 SMP/MTS Soal 1: Apa yang dimaksud dengan level? Jawaban: Level adalah ketinggian badan penari saat melakukan gerak. Soal 2: Sebutkan tiga jenis level pada gerak tari! Jawaban: Tiga jenis level pada gerak tari adalah: Level tinggi: penari berdiri tegak dengan kedua kaki rapat atau dibuka selebar bahu. Level sedang: penari berdiri dengan lutut sedikit ditekuk atau badan direndahkan. Level rendah: penari duduk, jongkok, atau bahkan membungkuk. Soal 3: Mengapa level penting dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Level penting dalam gerak tari karena dapat membuat penampilan tari tampak lebih dinamis dan menarik. Soal 4: Bagaimana cara menampilkan level tinggi dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Cara menampilkan level tinggi dalam gerak tari adalah dengan berdiri tegak dengan kedua kaki rapat atau dibuka selebar bahu. Soal 5: Bagaimana cara menampilkan level sedang dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Cara...

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Chapter XIII We got a lot of histories Kelas 8 (SMP/MTS) ENGLISH

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Chapter XIII We got a lot of histories Kelas 8 (SMP/MTS) ENGLISH

Question 1: What is the song "History" by One Direction about?

Answer 1: The song is about a friendship that is in jeopardy. The singer is worried that his friend is going to leave him, and he is trying to convince him to stay.

Question 2: What does the line "You and me got a whole lot of history" mean?

Answer 2: The line means that the two friends have a lot of shared experiences. They have been through a lot together, and they have a strong bond.

Question 3: What are some of the challenges that the two friends have faced?

Answer 3: The song mentions rumors and fights. These challenges have tested their friendship, but they have always managed to overcome them.

Question 4: What is the singer's message to his friend?

Answer 4: The singer is asking his friend not to give up on their friendship. He believes that they can work through their problems and be stronger than ever before.

Question 5: What is the song's overall message?

Answer 5: The song's overall message is that friendship is important. It is worth fighting for, even when times are tough.

Question 6: What is the song's genre?

Answer 6: The song is a pop song. It has a catchy melody and lyrics that are easy to remember.

Question 7: Who is the song's target audience?

Answer 7: The song's target audience is young people. It is a song about friendship, which is a topic that is important to young people.

Question 8: What is the song's impact?

Answer 8: The song has been a commercial success. It has topped the charts in several countries. The song has also been praised by critics for its catchy melody and relatable lyrics.

Question 9: What is the song's legacy?

Answer 9: The song is likely to be remembered as a classic One Direction song. It is a catchy and relatable song that has resonated with fans of all ages.

Question 10: What is your opinion of the song?

Answer 10: I think the song is a great example of pop music. It is catchy, relatable, and has a positive message. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys pop music.

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