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Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Bab 14 Menampilkan Level dan Pola Lantai pada Gerak Tari - Seni Budaya Kelas 7 SMP/MTS

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Bab 14 Menampilkan Level dan Pola Lantai pada Gerak Tari - Seni Budaya Kelas 7 SMP/MTS Soal 1: Apa yang dimaksud dengan level? Jawaban: Level adalah ketinggian badan penari saat melakukan gerak. Soal 2: Sebutkan tiga jenis level pada gerak tari! Jawaban: Tiga jenis level pada gerak tari adalah: Level tinggi: penari berdiri tegak dengan kedua kaki rapat atau dibuka selebar bahu. Level sedang: penari berdiri dengan lutut sedikit ditekuk atau badan direndahkan. Level rendah: penari duduk, jongkok, atau bahkan membungkuk. Soal 3: Mengapa level penting dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Level penting dalam gerak tari karena dapat membuat penampilan tari tampak lebih dinamis dan menarik. Soal 4: Bagaimana cara menampilkan level tinggi dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Cara menampilkan level tinggi dalam gerak tari adalah dengan berdiri tegak dengan kedua kaki rapat atau dibuka selebar bahu. Soal 5: Bagaimana cara menampilkan level sedang dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Cara...

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Chapter VI Our busy roads Kelas 8 (SMP/MTS) ENGLISH

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Chapter VI Our busy roads Kelas 8 (SMP/MTS) ENGLISH

1. Question: How many characters are there in this book, and can you name them?

Answer: There are six characters in this book. Three girls: Siti, Dayu, and Lina, and three boys: Udin, Beni, and Edo. Each has distinct features.

2. Question: Can you describe the various characters based on their hair?


- Siti has a headscarf.

- Dayu has plaits.

- Lina has loose hair.

- Edo has curly hair.

- Udin has straight hair.

- Beni has wavy hair.

3. Question: What kinds of public transportation are mentioned in the text?

Answer: Different kinds of public transportation mentioned are buses, trains, ojeks, and angkots. There are also traditional transportation options like becaks, bentors, andongs, or delmans.

4. Question: Why does the text mention that the roads are not safe?

Answer: The roads are not safe because many people cross them, and there are also many people who drive very fast. There is a lack of care, leading to significant concerns on the roads.

5. Question: What is the main message of the song "Heal the World" by Michael Jackson?

Answer: The main message of the song is that we can make the world a better place through care and love. It encourages making a positive impact on the world for the well-being of the entire human race.

6. Question: According to the song, how can we make the world a better place?

Answer: We can make the world a better place by caring for others, creating a space for love, and contributing to a world where there is no hurt or sorrow. The song emphasizes the power of love in making positive changes.

7. Question: How does the song suggest we can improve the world for the living?

Answer: The song suggests that if we care enough for the living, we can make a better place by showing love, creating a better world, and eliminating fear and dread.

8. Question: Why is it mentioned that there is little care on the roads?

Answer: The mention of little care on the roads implies a lack of consideration or attention to safety, contributing to the overall unsafe conditions on the roads.

9. Question: What are the different types of traditional transportation mentioned in the text?

Answer: The text mentions traditional transportation such as becaks, bentors, andongs, or delmans.

10. Question: What is the significance of the message in the song "Heal the World" for the readers?

Answer: The song's message is significant for readers as it encourages them to contribute to making the world a better place by caring for others and fostering a sense of love and unity.

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