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Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Bab 14 Menampilkan Level dan Pola Lantai pada Gerak Tari - Seni Budaya Kelas 7 SMP/MTS

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Bab 14 Menampilkan Level dan Pola Lantai pada Gerak Tari - Seni Budaya Kelas 7 SMP/MTS Soal 1: Apa yang dimaksud dengan level? Jawaban: Level adalah ketinggian badan penari saat melakukan gerak. Soal 2: Sebutkan tiga jenis level pada gerak tari! Jawaban: Tiga jenis level pada gerak tari adalah: Level tinggi: penari berdiri tegak dengan kedua kaki rapat atau dibuka selebar bahu. Level sedang: penari berdiri dengan lutut sedikit ditekuk atau badan direndahkan. Level rendah: penari duduk, jongkok, atau bahkan membungkuk. Soal 3: Mengapa level penting dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Level penting dalam gerak tari karena dapat membuat penampilan tari tampak lebih dinamis dan menarik. Soal 4: Bagaimana cara menampilkan level tinggi dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Cara menampilkan level tinggi dalam gerak tari adalah dengan berdiri tegak dengan kedua kaki rapat atau dibuka selebar bahu. Soal 5: Bagaimana cara menampilkan level sedang dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Cara...

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Chapter V I’m so happy for you! Kelas 8 (SMP/MTS) ENGLISH

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Chapter V I’m so happy for you! Kelas 8 (SMP/MTS) ENGLISH

1. Question: What is the focus of Chapter V in the English book for Grade 8?

Answer: The focus of Chapter V is on making greeting cards.

2. Question: What will students learn in this chapter regarding greeting cards?

Answer: Students will learn how to make greeting cards, exploring the creative and expressive aspects of this skill.

3. Question: How is the chapter introduced, and what activity is emphasized?

Answer: The chapter is introduced with the concept of making greeting cards. The emphasis is on exploring various types of greeting cards.

4. Question: What specific kind of greeting cards are mentioned in the text?

Answer: The text mentions birthday greeting cards and provides examples of cards Lina received from her friends on her birthday.

5. Question: Who gave Lina a birthday greeting card, and can you describe one of the cards mentioned?

Answer: Siti and Edo gave Lina birthday greeting cards. For example, Siti's card may have contained a personal message or creative design to celebrate Lina's birthday.

6. Question: Besides birthday cards, what other types of greeting cards are discussed in the text?

Answer: The text discusses other types of greeting cards, such as Father's Day, Teacher's Day, Happy New Year, Happy Wedding Day, and a Winner of Reading Contest card.

7. Question: What is the purpose of exploring different types of greeting cards?

Answer: Exploring different types of greeting cards helps students understand the diversity of occasions and messages that can be conveyed through this form of expression.

8. Question: What is the significance of the chapter title, "I'm so happy for you!"?

Answer: The chapter title suggests a positive and celebratory tone, reflecting the joy and happiness associated with creating and receiving greeting cards.

9. Question: How does the chapter encourage creativity among students?

Answer: The chapter encourages creativity by involving students in the process of making their own greeting cards, allowing them to express themselves and celebrate various occasions.

10. Question: Why is the focus on greeting cards relevant for students in Grade 8?

Answer: The focus on greeting cards is relevant for Grade 8 students as it not only enhances their creative skills but also enables them to communicate and express emotions in a thoughtful and artistic manner.

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