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Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Bab 14 Menampilkan Level dan Pola Lantai pada Gerak Tari - Seni Budaya Kelas 7 SMP/MTS

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Bab 14 Menampilkan Level dan Pola Lantai pada Gerak Tari - Seni Budaya Kelas 7 SMP/MTS Soal 1: Apa yang dimaksud dengan level? Jawaban: Level adalah ketinggian badan penari saat melakukan gerak. Soal 2: Sebutkan tiga jenis level pada gerak tari! Jawaban: Tiga jenis level pada gerak tari adalah: Level tinggi: penari berdiri tegak dengan kedua kaki rapat atau dibuka selebar bahu. Level sedang: penari berdiri dengan lutut sedikit ditekuk atau badan direndahkan. Level rendah: penari duduk, jongkok, atau bahkan membungkuk. Soal 3: Mengapa level penting dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Level penting dalam gerak tari karena dapat membuat penampilan tari tampak lebih dinamis dan menarik. Soal 4: Bagaimana cara menampilkan level tinggi dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Cara menampilkan level tinggi dalam gerak tari adalah dengan berdiri tegak dengan kedua kaki rapat atau dibuka selebar bahu. Soal 5: Bagaimana cara menampilkan level sedang dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Cara...

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Chapter 11 Let's Make a Better World for All Kelas 12 ( SMA / MA / SMK ) BAHASA INGGRIS

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Chapter 11 Let's Make a Better World for All Kelas 12 ( SMA / MA / SMK ) BAHASA INGGRIS

1. What are the key considerations before starting an international food business?

Before venturing into an international food business, what factors should be taken into account?

2. How does the text suggest making a better world through the lyrics of the song?

According to the lyrics, how can we contribute to creating a better world for all?

3. What is the significance of the place in the heart mentioned in the song?

In the song, what does the place in the heart symbolize, and why is it significant?

4. How does the song convey the idea of making the world a better place?

Explain how the lyrics of the song communicate the concept of improving the world.

5. According to the text, what role does love play in making the world a better place?

How does the song emphasize the role of love in creating a better world?

6. What actions are suggested in the song to heal the world and make it a better place?

Identify the actions proposed in the lyrics for healing the world and improving it.

7. Why does the song mention nations turning their swords into plowshares?

Explain the symbolism behind the mention of nations turning swords into plowshares in the song.

8. How does the text express the idea that love is enough for our growth?

In what way does the song convey that love is sufficient for our development?

9. What emotions or feelings does the song aim to evoke in the listeners?

Describe the emotional impact or feelings the song intends to evoke in its listeners.

10. How can individuals contribute to making a better world, according to the message in the song?

Based on the song's message, what actions can individuals take to contribute to creating a better world?


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