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Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Bab 14 Menampilkan Level dan Pola Lantai pada Gerak Tari - Seni Budaya Kelas 7 SMP/MTS

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Bab 14 Menampilkan Level dan Pola Lantai pada Gerak Tari - Seni Budaya Kelas 7 SMP/MTS Soal 1: Apa yang dimaksud dengan level? Jawaban: Level adalah ketinggian badan penari saat melakukan gerak. Soal 2: Sebutkan tiga jenis level pada gerak tari! Jawaban: Tiga jenis level pada gerak tari adalah: Level tinggi: penari berdiri tegak dengan kedua kaki rapat atau dibuka selebar bahu. Level sedang: penari berdiri dengan lutut sedikit ditekuk atau badan direndahkan. Level rendah: penari duduk, jongkok, atau bahkan membungkuk. Soal 3: Mengapa level penting dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Level penting dalam gerak tari karena dapat membuat penampilan tari tampak lebih dinamis dan menarik. Soal 4: Bagaimana cara menampilkan level tinggi dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Cara menampilkan level tinggi dalam gerak tari adalah dengan berdiri tegak dengan kedua kaki rapat atau dibuka selebar bahu. Soal 5: Bagaimana cara menampilkan level sedang dalam gerak tari? Jawaban: Cara...

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Chapter 1 May I Help You? Kelas 12 ( SMA / MA / SMK ) BAHASA INGGRIS

Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Chapter 1 May I Help You? Kelas 12 ( SMA / MA / SMK ) BAHASA INGGRIS

1. Question: What is the social function of Chapter 1 in the book?

Answer: The social function of Chapter 1 is asking for and giving services.

2. Question: What language features are mentioned in the text?

Answer: The text mentions the use of modals such as "What can I do...?" and "What if...?"

3. Question: Can you provide examples of vocabulary related to health mentioned in the text?

Answer: Vocabulary related to health includes "terrible," "stomach," "get well," and "prescription."

4. Question: According to the text, what is the pronunciation guide for the word "fantastic"?

Answer: The pronunciation guide for "fantastic" is /fænt'æstɪk/.

5. Question: What skill focus is mentioned in the text?

Answer: The skill focus includes listening and speaking.

6. Question: How does the doctor respond to Fafa's statement about not being able to go to school?

Answer: The doctor expresses sympathy and asks about the problem Fafa is facing.

7. Question: Provide an example of refusing an offer or service from the text.

Answer: "No, thanks."

8. Question: What is the social function of the dialogue between Dr. Nahda and Fafa?

Answer: The social function is a doctor offering medical assistance and a patient seeking help for health issues.

9. Question: Mention some vocabulary related to family that appears in the text.

Answer: Vocabulary related to family includes "extended family."

10. Question: How does the dialogue end between Dr. Nahda and Fafa?

Answer: The dialogue ends with Dr. Nahda prescribing medication and wishing Fafa to get well soon.


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